오리엘 챔버(Oriel Chambers)
Oriel Chambers, Water Street, Liverpool
An astounding and progressive building which ought to be better known. The architect was Peter Ellis and the year 1864. It must be unlike any other building anywhere in the country of that date, e.g. see the building to the left (actually built thirty years later). In its balance of glass to wall it is quasi-Modernist. The canted oriel windows have cast-iron frames and are separated by narrow pinnacled piers. These decorative touches slightly jar with the rest of the composition. Working in this building must have been a revelation to workers used to dingy darkness. Grade I listed.
Ellis is only known to have designed one other building, round the corner in Cook Street (
SJ3490 : 16 Cook Street, Liverpool). Stung by criticism of this building ("a great abortion") he abandoned architecture. How sad that he didn't live to witness the accolades subsequently heaped upon it. Sometimes it takes time for innovation to be appreciated, a lesson we could do with re-learning.
Still offices, partly occupied by barristers' chambers, partly vacant.
출처 : http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2837794